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Long time lurker, finally decided to make an account. I’ve had a passion for the Sasquatch subject for years, and love to read or watch anything about it. There aren’t a ton of sightings by me, so I haven’t had the chance to do “field work” but I spend a lot of time outdoors. Overall, I’m on the fence in terms of “belief”, and go back and forth with myself. It’s hard for me to dismiss everything I know about the PGF, footprint evidence, hair samples, sighting reports, and a lot of what else is out there. But it’s also difficult for me to believe there can be hundreds of reports from places like Illinois. Besides Sasquatch/Relict Hominoids, some of my other main passions are wildlife, and paleontology.


If I would have followed my passions, I’d be something like a Biologist, Paleontologist, Archeologist, or Anthropologist. Sadly I didn’t, but I work in data analysis, so I’m hoping to try and do something interesting with Sasquatch data when I have more free time. 



Curious since I was a kid.  Interested in the topic. 


Hi my name is Hutch. I currently live in Tennessee. My family and I moved out here a year ago from Colorado. I am an avid hunter but have never had the experience of seeing a Bigfoot.  I've been fascinated by them my whole life and want hear what people have to say about them.

On 12/29/2018 at 10:43 AM, WV FOOTER said:

Welcome to the Bigfoot Forums. Please use this 


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Greetings. I have had a long term interest in Bigfoot. I'm an academic (not in a related field) and approach this topic with a need for evidence and rigorous scientific methods. Hoping to find a place where I can learn more about what research is being done, other than what we see on TV shows. Big fan of Dr. Meldrom and his work.

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Hi.  Was on original Bigfoot Forums.  Live in Oregon.  Have been called a "researcher", but not sure that term fits, more of an enthusiast.  Have camped out MANY times with hope of encountering a Sasquatch.  Have heard knocks and "whoops", but no sighting (yet).

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Welcome  PittMojo  ,  72Malibu  ,  Sasquatchodon  ,  Ozzy269  ,  Shutchdude  &  knappster007  !


I've always had an interest in cryptids, the paranormal, etc.


Looking to expand this interest a little. Maybe develop a new hobby.


I'm from West Virginia. Married with a child. Also interested in sports (specifically Marshall University), traveling, the outdoors, craft beer.


I’m Jay, live in Alabama. I’ve been interested in Bigfoot for several years and I’ve had strange experiences on my property. I’m currently doing long term recording 

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Was extremely passionate about cryptozoology in high school. Currently looking to find out more about the history of the field.

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Hello everyone. I've been following this site for a while, and I'm interested in all things Cryptid. I'm also a writer, with 20 books published and I've sold over 100 short stories, all in the supernatural/horror genres, and an epic fantasy book series. All are from traditional publishers, not self-published. I'm not sure that I've experienced any actual encounters, but have had a few weird episodes on our own property in Pa. We live on a mountain, heavily wooded, that lies within a long chain of foothills that goes through several counties. We're also less than an hour from parts of the Appalachian Trail and have hiked around there a number of times. I do have a friend that has had at least 2 or 3 encounters, and he was interviewed by a BF research group, with the video posted on YouTube. I'm looking forward to reading the opinions and encounters. 



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Hellos all, I am from Rindge, New Hampshire in CHeshire County and look forward to reading the forum, sharing experiences and maybe meet someone from my area interested in Bigfoot.

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Hello, my name is Curtis. I have been interested in Bigfoot pretty much my entire life. I've recently started investigating and looking for this creature in the woods and swamps of South Carolina 

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Welcome lonetracker, Friendly, Escaflowne1, So.Ark. Bigfoot, Macdirk, Silverback Sax,

Mikecs, Horhang, OnlookerofMayhe, KGBrown, Kevin Shea, Matissio, solomikesquatch, 

KnottyForest, JImmyIITimes, CheyenneSkye, Buck197 (you're in the right area for Oklahoma),

ELD, Bkd, VanillaGorilla, PittMojo, 72Malibu, Sasquatchodon, Ozzy269, Shutchdude, knappster007, welcome back OregonMan, the Thundering Herd fan MUsince96, Jay, Dahinden, kezrm, Lavictoire, and Curtis.

Welcome from north of the border, Steveo1.

Welcome from the UK, Grub-Girl.


I already know I'd run out of fingers and toes counting so I'll just say that's a lot of new members in the last few weeks. Welcome all.


Welcome  MUsince96  ,  Jay  ,  Dahinden  ,  kezrm  ,  Lavictoire  &  Curtis  !


Welcome aboard everyone!  Hope to see you get involved in the discussions.

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