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Minnesota Update Of Sorts(Shrug)

Guest Maggie

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Maggie

Okay, this isn't  Bigfoot but still a very odd occurence experienced by my oldest daughter. My daughter smokes on the enclosed porch as I don't allow smoking in the house. This was evening and she saw something that she didn't have a clue what it was, on one of the side roads by our house. She said it was big, a weird color and looked like a starving mutated coyote or maybe a hyena. 

Now she grew up here, she knows what coyotes and such look like.

So, definitely weird.

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All kinds of questions if you don't mind Maggie.

1) How big?

2) What is meant by weird color?

3) How far away was it?

4) Was it definately identified as some kind of K9?


I know hyenas have the sloping back, and the only dog breed I can think of that comes close is a German Shepard. The good ones have the slope, so maybe a crossbread mutt dumped off and starving, or a coyote/dog mix roaming around.

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Guest Maggie

Hi mesabe, all great questions that I have asked as well. :)
She thought it was in excess of 200 pounds. BIG.

The color she kept trying to describe and was frustrated because she could not. She kept saying "blue" and I would say "merle?"

and she would say "No, no, not that....BLUE but not the same all over".

It wasn't very far away, not certain how to measure exactly but our house and the neighbors house are close to a cross street,

the only two houses on this end of our street. What she saw was on the cross street.

Definitely K9.

I too thought it was maybe a stray, starving dog but she insists it was not, that it didn't even move like a dog. So, I just don't know.

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Man! I hope it's not one of those dogmen, or whatever. I guess I don't know how to feel about them yet, until we know more about BF. It seems like there is all kinds of possibilities for their existance, maybe even just a deformed or retarded BF. 


I guess it all means be extra vigilant when young family members are present.

Thanks for the updates, and keep us posted.


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Guest Maggie

At this point I would be very reluctant to say it was a dogman, maybe some sort of mystery canine or even a hybrid? I just don't know.

Her seeing it though has made me think to a couple of incidents that may or may not be related. Well, three but one I have already posted here

about the weird howling and it was at least 30 miles away at the family place.

Over the past couple of years (never before), we have been hearing howling at night inside town which we naturally just attributed to coyotes and

didn't think much of it. I don't LIKE to second guess but now again, I just don't know.

Next, about a couple weeks ago I was outside in the later afternoon watering the garden. I kept hearing something growling but there was

nothing to be seen. It had been hot  and all my dogs were in the house. I was puzzled and just a bit weirded out so finished the watering quickly

and went inside. Again, there was NOTHING to see. I can't even imagine where it would have been hiding, I don't think even the corn in the

garden would have been thick enough to hide it but it wasn't coming from that direction anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know Maggie, reading back thru a few entries, it almost sounds like she may have spotted a grey wolf. I think they might be rarer than the timber wolf, but I really don't Know anything about wolves per say. I've seen plenty of wolves, etc. and at times they look pretty scraggly, when shedding, and I don't think I ever saw a fat one. They almost always look on the lean side. Other than that, maybe ask her what she was smoking on the deck. lol

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Guest Maggie

Well, it COULD be a wolf as several years ago when it was a very snowy winter, there were wolf prints in the backyard where it had come after a rabbit. The DNR stated it was a wolf so logically that is what it might be.

Strange things have happened around here for sure but that doesn't mean what my daughter saw is related in any way.

LOL, we always tease back and forth when there is a weird happening that whoever saw it must be "smoking" something. :)


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Guest Maggie

And I totally forgot this but last fall they shot a wolf outside of Kellogg. It had been around all spring and summer into fall but when it killed calves, they decided they had to do away with it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

LOL, Bigfoot related but not in my usual way. :)  My sister, brother in law and family went on vacation in Oregon a few weeks ago and brought me home a couple souvenirs. These souvenirs were Bigfoot bookmarks with various sayings. Perfect! :)

On another note, my sister said because of my cautioning and her reading Missing 411  (by my suggestion), they always used the buddy system while out and about on vacation. She said she didn't want to go to Crater Lake and they ended up not, but my brother in law says, "Next time!"

I am quite certain I wouldn't go there but to each his or her own! :)

As far as here? VERY quiet. No sign of Squatch or mutant canines. But that is how it usually goes. Nothing happens in forever, then a spate of activity, then nothing again. (shrug)

Anyone else had anything at all happening?

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Hi Maggie, thanks for keeping us updated.

I have to say no, it's been embarassingly (is that a word?) quiet around here too.

It makes me wonder if it all was a strange dream, when activity was happening in the past. Except other friends and family members were experiencing it also. I've also been too busy lately, to be "one with nature" like I usually am.

Back to that K9 your daughter observed, I'll bet it was a coyote crossed with a domestic dog. I've seen several of them before, and they look extremely weird.

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I think you could be right about the coyote cross. The only thing that gives me a bit of pause is how large it was but then I have heard that coyotes/wolf crosses are more common now so they wouldn't be the same smaller type I have been familiar with.

It will be interesting this year...I think I mentioned I have a three year old male Cane Corso that is uber protective? Well, because of foster dogs going  and having my other big dog (ANCIENT) put to sleep, I bought a female Neopolitan Mastiff pup. She won't be ready until after Halloween but I have heard good things about these dogs. I also like their lower energy unless something is wrong. She is a mahogany. If you are not familiar, "Fang" on the Harry Potter movies is a Neopolitan Mastiff. Cane Corsos and Neos are very similiar except for CCs don't have as many wrinkles and CCs are higher energy.

Anyway, the breed is supposedly specifically bred for guarding from size to looks to attitude. I will have to see what CC and Neo combination guarding does,lol.  Of course Chihuahuas (mine) and Pugs (sons) always put in their two cents on strangers, human or otherwise, at the house. :)

I hear ya on the whole dream thing but have had experiences ebb and flow for so many years I am confident in the fact that there is something out of the ordinary occuring when they are going on.

This is my last week left of school before I start another class for my Batchelors on October 3. Maybe in that interim I can slow down and see if I can discern activity, either here or at the family place.

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Hey, Maggie (and Mesabe). Good to hear from you guys. Maggie, that's cool, that you're in school! Brave person. Also love hearing about your dogs (except for the one you had to put to sleep... so sorry about that.....) The information about Cane Corsos and Neopolitan Mastiffs is very interesting and just made a little bell go off in my head... I've been thinking I need to move out of the city, to a more remote, less congested area, which I would love; but we have a pretty good city neighborhood, where people look after each other, and I've been wondering how I would handle being away from possible sources of help (meaning, really, protection -- from humans). A Neopolitan Mastiff would be the perfect answer to that question. 


So I feel safer, all of a sudden. 


About activity: I just discovered a muddy handprint on the rear bumper of my car yesterday. Thought that was it until today, when I looked more carefully and saw more muddy prints on the side of the car and on the "pillar" between the windows on the driver's side. Those were some happy moments. (I would count on these guys for protection, too -- and they have been a source of that -- but I feel a little greedy, expecting that from them. Might be better to have those expectations of a nice big "Neo", instead.) 


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