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Urban Bigfoot, Seriously?

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My opinion is that police and news stations will not take bigfoot sightings seriously, let alone post warnings to alert the public.  Around here any story regarding a sighting or activity is reported on local news with a smirk and silly banter between the news reporters.  


I didn't hear about frequent mountain lion sightings near our cabin until I asked someone from the USFS if there were any in the area.  I asked because a neighbor said they had seen a mother with young not far from the small city near the cabin's location.  If the DNR is denying there is a permanent resident population of mountain lions, the DNR and USFS would certainly not warn the public about bigfoot sightings.  


We do, however, get frequent reports from the police and DNR regarding our increasing city coyote population.  


^^"do people call police because of Coyotes or Bobcats wandering around?"


Absolutely, every day! The police respond to such calls because coyotes are often found in urban and suburban areas. They have even been known to kill humans in rare cases. Public safety responders take calls daily for bear, cougar, coyote, snakes, deer, raccoon, alligator, moose, cow, horse, loose dogs, cat in a tree etc calls from people who don't know what to do or are scared. They will even take and respond to bigfoot calls but unlike the other animals they find no evidence of bigfoot. They have yet to shoot a bigfoot for digging in a dumpster but have done it for bears. They have never removed a nuisance bigfoot from a park but often do it for alligators, bears, or even aggressive deer. Make of it what you will but the anecdotal stories of marauding bigfoot threatening children in parks, bigfoot harassing a suburban homeowner without ever being detected or reported to authorities by next door neighbors, or 99.999% of the multitude of reports some folks here point to as "evidence" haven't even been reported to authorities. They haven't been investigated by the same trained folks who respond to all the other animal calls. WHY? 

Posted (edited)

^^^ If a cop is called to investigate a prowler report they will but odds of them seeing and figuring out what it was is very low let alone catching one if its bigfoot related. I dont think anyone said a BF was threatening kids in a park. Bigfoor stories are laughed at and the occasional video or photo of wild (urban) critters in town grace the news fairly regularly, I was just saying the country towns people live with the animals (coyotes/bobcats) more or handle problems themselves. Recently I received a fresh report (Class B ) that strongly seems to be BF related and was in a location at the edge of town where other Class A reports have historically came from but would I tell the person to call the cops or put it in the newspaper? NO , there is No point. They were scared and felt threatened but yet didnt see what was doing it so moving in. If it beat on their house and killed their animals leaving big foot prints in the yard that would be different.

Edited by GEARMAN

Gearman, I'm not sure what you consider threatening but the mother that Sunflower talks about visiting the park in post #1381 was "scared terribly". I'd like to know more about the "country town" whose law enforcement won't respond to trespassers or someone breaking into a barn or someone beating on your house or walking on your roof or any of the many claims being bandied about in this thread. I can understand that responding to a call of overall wearing bigfoot on a train might not get the fastest response (or even be believed for good reason) but call 911 crying because a "bear" is at your door and you WILL get folks with guns and probably some first aid whether you need it or not. Half the county will turn out if it's rural and the first person on scene might be a volunteer fireman or ex military with a scanner or off duty cop neighbor who isn't having any trouble or noticing any abnormal behavior even though he lives 400 yards down the road and is often outside looking over or walking through the (usually) small patch of woods where the large clan of urban bigfoot are said to be plotting their nightly terror on just one family out of the many present because he's a farmer or rancher or avid coonhunter or mushroom hunter.


I agree with you that the majority of folks living in the country can take care of themselves and do but the truth is that there aren't communities being harassed by bigfoot. It's always one person who leaves an anonymous report on a bigfoot site or a poster who has nightly visits and lives in constant terror but won't allow investigation because they are afraid of the possibility of the bigfoot being harmed or someone who "understands" bigfoot and can interpret their motives and warns us that investigation will only drag us further into a conspiracy. 


Either these folks are scared (like their tales would have us believe) or there is some other reason they aren't calling. WHY?

Posted (edited)

I guess I missed the part about country town or big city police NOT responding to calls about trespassers or prowlers or pranksters messing with them, those should get calls from the residents and a response from authorities like a Bear at your house or in the Park should of course.  If the resident calls and says a Bigfoot is messing with her though , I could see a change in the cops reaction but I would think they would still respond since they did get a call. I believe are examples of that in the Hoopa Project books .  I dont think we have enough info to see if the lady in the park called the cops or not 

Edited by GEARMAN

I think the part you missed is answering WHY aren't law enforcement or dog catchers or firemen responding to calls from scared citizens who have large animals prowling around, walking on, beating on, or otherwise trespassing on their land or small 1/10th acre lot in a large urban/suburban setting. Why are these folks who are "scared terribly" not calling? Can you explain why the neighbors aren't experiencing or seeing the same things and reporting them - especially in an urban/suburban setting where houses might be 20 feet apart? The neighbors who have family and small children aren't worried about living next door to a bigfoot magnet? The neighbors aren't hearing calls or knocks or thrown rocks that happen so frequently from what we read? 


Remember that the cops, dog catchers and firemen live next door too. Can you explain why these trained folks aren't noting any activity? Do you think they would be concerned for their family's sake? Do you think they would respond and do a good job if called? WHY AREN'T THEY BEING CALLED? 


I really cannot answer that if none of it was not around me to know more about. I believe some known ones did call the authorites ..its called the Ford family in Fouke and you know how that went or the family in Honobia that said stuff.. Didnt work out to well for them in the long run


So...just to be clear, you are stating that calling 911 to report an unknown trespasser or a possible vandal who is walking on or smacking your house or a large threatening animal at the local park which had you "scared terribly" is a bad idea because of what you believe happened in Fouke in the 60's or Honobia? That's the advice you would want your wife to follow if she had your daughter at the park tomorrow and saw a large animal by the swingset or saw someone/something prowling around your back door at 2:00AM while you were out of town at a bigfoot conference? 


Man you are out of your mind and not understanding anything I said earlier that if someone had an trespasser or prowler, vandal , prankster or whatever slapping their house or saw something heard some messing with their stuff which they would think obviously was a person that they should call the police and they should come. The other two examples I was giving was for what happens to people to call for help and tell everyone that they were attacked by a monster or bigfoot whatever but I didnt say that they shouldnt of called if they were scared just what has happened when they say what is attacking them because they saw it versus the vast majority that didnt see it but just think its a person doing it.. If your a non-believer in bigfoot thats for you but these events are not simple BS or just  a story. I have had my own experiences in these locations and met witnesses in person as well so dont turn this into its all just fluff.  Not callling on every random animal around the house was the only reference I made about not calling the authorities and that was based on them not being scared or too concerned about which can in some cases could include bigfoot if they know about them already and accustomed to them being around and just accept it as usually nothing bad comes of it. If a coyote eats your poodle your walking in the front yard they should probably call, if they see one in the field next door passing by who cares .. Get it ?


I think many times people are calling 911.  What happens after they call 911 is pretty much up to the responding officer, police department or animal control unit.


^^Gearman - I'm trying to get my mind right, let me know if I understand you correctly and if this is what you would recommend to your wife or someone who starts having experiences? 


Don't call the authorities if you are positively sure it's a bigfoot unless you are scared terribly and are willing to live with the consequences like "the Ford family in Fouke and you know how that went or the family in Honobia that said stuff.(which) Didnt work out to well for them in the long run." 

Do call the authorities if you don't know what it is. 

Do call the authorities if your dog gets eaten. 


Coffee - I don't think they are calling all that often. I don't see too many bigfoot reports with redacted reports investigating calls made...surely a truthful witness and/or diligent investigation would unearth such reports as they are public records and subject to the Freedom of Information Act. I can only think that in an urban setting repeated contact with bigfoot would generate official paper of some type. Police investigating prowlers at night, dog wardens investigating missing cats and dogs, fire or ems personnel doing a welfare check on the hobo living in the woods behind the Walmart, garbage men complaining of torn apart and raided trash cans, fire departments investigating possible gas leaks from all the decomp middens bigfoot need to stay warm in winter, etc, etc, etc. I'm trusting enough of these folks that I feel confident we would hear of a shelter and smelly decomposing midden with lots of bones in it surrounded by 16" unshod footprints in the snow in the park or in the woods behind the elementary school playground where their kids go to school. Ask See if the firefighters/police he worked with would have investigated in his town if called out.


I personally find it hard to understand (especially in an urban/suburban setting with houses on top of each other and limited access to natural features) how only one person/household is affected in these situations? It would be easy to understand in a rural setting or if all possible witnesses had a strict policy on calling 911 like Gearman has layed out. Urban areas have large populations with different work schedules, more frequent police patrols and different thoughts on when to activate the 911 system. 911 calls are actually up across the country and I haven't heard of any conspiracy to hide bigfoot calls. 


You more or less got my take Ohio but as for my wife if she is being scared by an intruder that she identifies as  a bigfoot herself well the simple answer is to utilize your 2nd Amendments and grab the 12 gauge or the 308 Win or the 30-30 or one of the pistols etc...way before just hiding in a closet like in a bad slasher film calling the police. Shoot the SOB (Sasquatch OR Bigfoot) first and if its a person you shot then call the police.  Also I don't think there are many big city reports of highly urban areas calling in as Bigfoot incidents rather possible unidentified persons which would be rather routine and considered normal human incident if no further evidence is found. Evidence of them in town comes from large track finds and other things along narrow wooded waterway  corridors inside city limits (that deer use) by researchers and possible BF incidents based on a set of circumstances that may be in the same area as other physical trace evidence


Gearman - I like your SOB! It covers pretty much anyone/thing that tries to get in the house.


I don't think that there are many official urban reports either, that's the whole point I'm trying to make. You would expect to see official paperwork if there were sustained urban activity. There would be multiple eyewitnesses, police reports, and large scale searches. Remember the Ft. Worth Monster? Most cities have large displaced person populations living in the fringes anymore - hardly room for your friendly neighborhood SOB in the middle of hobo city regardless of what a certain hoaxer (or deluded followers) might claim. There are already plenty of monsters in any urban area, no need to look for more. 

Posted (edited)

Lake Worth though is actually a viable habitat for a creature to live even today(several square miles of uninhabitated prime river bottom forest that connects to ole Greer island itself) on the map it could hide a family unit and it connects to areas to the NW that have had Class A sightings in recent years (Azle TX) reported by NAWAC/TBRC but I know what your saying. I am not saying they are identified as BF in town often rather the likeliness of them utilizing resources in the city limits and passing back and forth from outside the city undetected for the most part.


Edited by GEARMAN

In reference to the cops being called "numerous times" by a neighbor down in Marion county Florida back in the early 2000's. This neighbor bought vacant land next to us and built his home. Prior to that we had been having strange activity at our place October through February over a couple of years. We never called the cops because as far as we were concerned there was nothing they could do, we had our dogs and would pop off the guns to spook "whatever" away. But after this neighbor finally moved onto his property, our stuff "stopped" and his began.

I swear just about every time he caught us outside he would wave us over to the fence to tell us about how "someone was messing with his property".

Someone rubbed up against the side of the house where his wife was on the computer late at night.

Someone climbed up the side of his house on the ham radio tower and was on the roof at the skylight.

Someone put a huge dent on the side of his new truck.

Someone put red clay in his horse feeders in the barn.

Someone pulled off his horse halters.

Someone slashed his horse's mouth.

I can go on and on...........................


Bad part, we were his nearest neighbor and became "his target" he started blaming us for all the odd stuff and the sheriffs office was out quite often. It got so bad that we had a surveillance system installed with audio. There were several nights when we could hear him over the audio system yelling to my "husband to come out of the woods so he could meet some lead". I kept all those tapes because I was getting more scared of this guy than whatever critter was creating the problem.


After another visit to the neighbors property by a deputy and another phone call to me, the deputy told me that he had stopped by a another neighbor to get her story if she knew what was going on and she verified to him what I had told him in a previous conversation. He said that there was a report list a mile long where the neighbor had pointed the finger at us for everything that had happened there.


Long story short, the other neighbor said that the deputies asked her if "she believed the guy was a paranoid schitzophrenic"<--- (sp?)

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