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Hello everyone happy to be here , I Started my studies in Parapsychic Science and received my bachelors, masters and PhD in the subject. I have a degree in Crytozoology. I lived in Alaska for ten years and now am in Northern Arizona. I have only heard and smelled Sasquatch. When camping in the kaibab national forest I had my scariest experience. I look forward to being a member.

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Good evening fellow free thinkers,


My name is Matt and I'm from the southwestern region of the United States. Growing up I never really believed in Bigfoot as there was such a negative stigma attached with it. After recently discovering the Missing 411 phenomena, I fell down the rabbit hole and am now engulfed in learning more about Bigfoot as well as other mythical/supernatural encounters in rural areas of the world. The area of peak importance to me at the moment is Yosemite as I'll be traveling there next week for a few days with one of my close friends. Although he doesn't believe in Bigfoot, hopefully we'll have an experience which will change his mind. My goal on joining this forum is to absorb as much information as possible, so that I can hopefully have some sort of experience which I can then bring back to this forum to talk about. 

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I'm interested in the bigfoot phenomena and would like to learn more.

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Hello! I’m Scottie Baldwin. Looking forward to exploring the site!

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Hello! I enjoy hiking and setting up trail cams and am interested to learn more about bigfoot sightings.


Welcome  Joe Largefoot  ,  Thersafkoch  ,  Inquisitive Soul  ,  zsa zsa  ,  scottiebaldwin  &  TheMediocreMan  !


Hi! I'm from NC and have been fascinated with Bigfoot for most of my life. I found out about these forums through Bill Munns work and wanted to check the place out.


Hello Bigfooters.  This is GenesRUs checking in.  Some of you may remember me, as I was a member of the previous version of The Bigfoot Forum using the same screen name.  I was not a frequent poster at the time, but I did contribute several lengthy posts to the entire "Ketchum Affair".  I am a biochemist/molecular biologist by training and I thought my expertise might be useful in understanding and debating Dr. Ketchum's claims and publication.  

I got involved in Bigfoot after reading John Napier's book in 7th grade, and have been interested in the topic ever since.  I was the first BFRO contact in Colorado, but was swiftly retired as I was busy with career and kids, and never had sufficient time to follow up on sightings.  Currently, my family spends summer weekends camping, fishing, climbing, etc in Colorado.  I've had 2 unusual events, one in northern New Mexico and one in northern Colorado, but no actual sightings.

I look forward to perusing the entire website, and hope I can make some useful and meaningful contributions. 

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2 hours ago, GenesRUs said:

Hello Bigfooters.  This is GenesRUs checking in.  Some of you may remember me, as I was a member of the previous version of The Bigfoot Forum using the same screen name.  I was not a frequent poster at the time, but I did contribute several lengthy posts to the entire "Ketchum Affair".  I am a biochemist/molecular biologist by training and I thought my expertise might be useful in understanding and debating Dr. Ketchum's claims and publication.  

I got involved in Bigfoot after reading John Napier's book in 7th grade, and have been interested in the topic ever since.  I was the first BFRO contact in Colorado, but was swiftly retired as I was busy with career and kids, and never had sufficient time to follow up on sightings.  Currently, my family spends summer weekends camping, fishing, climbing, etc in Colorado.  I've had 2 unusual events, one in northern New Mexico and one in northern Colorado, but no actual sightings.

I look forward to perusing the entire website, and hope I can make some useful and meaningful contributions. 


Welcome back GenesRUs, I remember you.



Welcome  ,  Obsoletetst  and  welcome  back ,  GenesRUs  !


I'm rather late but Welcome to the Forums! WildHairyMan, beavercreeko8, Redhead, Sam, BigFeef, welcome back Apeman, Dave, yeetus, Lexxa, uklurker, Socalsasquatch, Tara77, krock316, Joe Largefoot, Theresafkoch, Inquisitive soul, zsa zsa, scottiebaldwin, TheMediocreMan, Obsoletest, and welcome back GenesRUs.


Hello everyone,


I’m so excited to join the Forums! I’ve heard so much about this community from my Mom. Both of us and our whole family are Bigfoot enthusiasts. I have never personally had an encounter, but I do have some weird encounters and secondhand stories I’m excited to share. As for me, I’m a clinical pharmacist living an working in MD. After moving here from Indiana I was shocked that even densely populated Maryland has a history of Bigfoot encounters! Looking forward to getting involved in this community. :) 

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1 hour ago, PharmaPhriend said:

Hello everyone,


I’m so excited to join the Forums! I’ve heard so much about this community from my Mom. Both of us and our whole family are Bigfoot enthusiasts. I have never personally had an encounter, but I do have some weird encounters and secondhand stories I’m excited to share. As for me, I’m a clinical pharmacist living an working in MD. After moving here from Indiana I was shocked that even densely populated Maryland has a history of Bigfoot encounters! Looking forward to getting involved in this community. :) 


Welcome to the BFF PharmaPhriend!


I hope you enjoy the forums.

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Hi  everyone! Thanks for having me. I look forward to learning from you. I love the topic of Bigfoot. I have never had an encounter myself. I would consider myself a skeptical believer. I definitely believe there is something but exactly what that something is that is the million dollar question. I really am looking forward to reading what everyone else thinks. 

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Hi Everyone,

im new to this forum.  I have some questions about BF encounters.  

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