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Bigfoot Beheads People?


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The quote button is not functional with my browser, but if it was I would have quoted Jayjeti's article right here. If someone would like to bring posting #118, #58, #47 up to this point, there is indeed something eerily similar to the topic of this thread.

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Back when D. Paulides had just printed his books, I was researching and investigating something here and abroad in Canada. It was some ongoing work, of which I spent 25 years learning, doing, speaking and instructing on "the" topic. (Subject topic intentionally left out) While researching I kept finding these odd reports of body parts surfacing mainly in British Columbia, CA. I do not recall how long ago the first ones were reported, I suppose it doesn't matter, but it was enough to raise a suspicious mind.


I was aware of a group of people that allegedly killed some people, I think they were prostitutes, and hid their crimes by feeding them to their hogs! After all, it was a large hog farm and needless to say, I sort of lost my appetite for pork for awhile.  


When I first started reading about these reports of a single foot here, a foot there, sometimes with a shoe attached, I heard about D. Paulides and his books he just published and contacted him. I mentioned what I thought was odd, and he said he heard something about it and was going to check it out. I think the official word in press releases was they wee unable to identify these people (victims) and it was being investigated ....  If I remember correctly the majority of these parts were found in or near inland bodies of water. If you read the D. Paulides books then you see the immediate make connection with what he wrote and what I just mentioned.


Me? I make no connection between this and the subject topic other than making conversation and sharing fuel for thought. I know nothing else beyond that since it wasn't exactly what I investigating rather something that I came upon inadvertently ...     

There are a few theories to this, they could be illegals that fall off ships, or suicides. The shoes float, so when the body decomposes, the shoes float with the foot still in the shoe. Saw a program on this, it could be on youtube. Not that I would trust anything authorities say. But they seemed to have an 'explanation' for it.


I have heard a couple stories, at least one, where he shot the female, and the huge male took it and went up the canyon wall really fast, (like impossible). But it did not try to kill him. The one blogtalk where they were sent out to kill the BF, apparently the BF were killing humans too much, so they had to be "dispatched".


There may be disapperances in Kentucky going on, females, but I could not find enough info on the web, but the Sas Chronicles interview it was thrown in by 'granny' that was going on.


Generally, it is wise not to be shooting at a BF when isolated in the woods. They might be having a bad day.

Jayleti - You are correct there are several from various parts of North America and some aren't real pretty. The Shasta, Shoshone and Comanche's to name a few. You might find additional information on this thread topic of a little 1965 Texas town and up the east coast, in the great state of Maine.     

If you read what the Comanche did to White settlers, its much worse than a Sassy. Just saying, brutality, especially back then, was just normal behavior.

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I'm posting stories of alleged beheadings by sasquatches because that is the title of this thread and early on someone asked for proof of them ever beheading people, and more recently another poster protested asking for proof that BF would ever do such a thing, that it was ridiculous. Some have an ideal view of BF. One account I posted of one that measured 13 foot tall after they were able to kill it had ripped five of the hunting party's heads off (4 men survived). It was reported at the time of incident in multiple newspapers in Georgia and Florida. I noted that as proof that it has happened.

None of what has been posted in this thread concerning bigfoot beheading people could be remotely considered "proof". Conjecture, hearsay, anecdote, and confabulation sure, but not proof.

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Hello Wag -  All of theories you listed sound reasonably plausible to me. I probably heard the same Blog radio program and I think his name may or may not have been referenced here some place. That is correct though, that is what I understood him to say as well.


What were you saying about Kentucky? Can you explain it further? I don't think I have heard anything about Kentucky and missing girls lately ... Are you from down south someplace? Reason for the question is I was wondering if its limited to the local listening area because I haven't heard anything like up here in the Midwest ... What was the gist of the circumstances?


The world is strangely evolving place isn't it?  Good post Wag!

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None of what has been posted in this thread concerning bigfoot beheading people could be remotely considered "proof". Conjecture, hearsay, anecdote, and confabulation sure, but not proof.



In my opinion that one story of the five men who were beheaded is valid proof because it was reported at the time of the incident in several newspapers in Florida and Georgia.  It was a party of nine men, five were killed and four made it out alive.  There would be the issue of what happened to those five men, and you have four witnesses.   It find difficulty in believing someone made up the whole incident recorded in the newspapers.  I understand its your opinion that it doesn't constitute proof.  To some people the Patterson/Gimlin film is proof of bigfoot, to others its not.  Each to his own.  

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The quote button is not functional with my browser, but if it was I would have quoted Jayjeti's article right here. If someone would like to bring posting #118, #58, #47 up to this point, there is indeed something eerily similar to the topic of this thread.


I had that problem on one of lap tops when using Internet Explorer.  I loaded "Opera" web browser and it worked with it.  You can have more than one web browser on your computer like Opera or Firefox and click on which ever one you want to go on.  If you download another web browser, make sure you go to the official site of the browser itself and then find the download there.  Some third parties offering the same free download might put something else on your computer.


Here is the official site for Opera:



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If you read what the Comanche did to White settlers, its much worse than a Sassy. Just saying, brutality, especially back then, was just normal behavior.


Wag, I once read an article describing some of the tortures committed against those the Comanche caught, which could be strung out for days, and its probably the worst atrocity in the history of mankind, I think worse than even the Medieval Inquistions, and I wouldn't equate it with the normal brutality of that time.  It was primarily turned over to the women to administer the tortures.

Edited by jayjeti
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As a woman, I cannot imagine hurting anyone on purpose. Never, ever, just could not, I help heal, not hurt. I'm sorry to hear that news about those females being more violent than the men.

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Yes, none of it is flattering, but it does raise disturbing, yet inevitable questions about a creature whose presence has increased exponentially since the mid 1960s. Everyone should trust their own experience and evaluate things for themselves. I understand it is a frightful thought .... It scares the Halloween out of me to the point that I think I smell sulfur.


For my part, I look at it like this: Fair minded students and readers must endeavor to read all there is know about the topic and not just the events then ask themselves who would engage and participate in such hoax, and who stands to benefit from denying or believing this of the story?


Look, I have read some virtuous things allegedly done by these things for humans too. It has a rather abrupt way of humbling a man, but everything isn't perfectly wonderful in the land of denial, and I'm not talking geography folks.


Before I jump up and join the conga line of people in one court or another I want to make my own informed decision as best as I can.

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Post 118:

Is it possible to learn anything from succeeding generations of our forefathers by preceding generations of Bigfoot researchers?


How intelligent are these things? Do they recognize the use of tools and how prevalent is the neck break, as a distinct of signature of killing prey?  


Delaware County's Wild Man. He Eats Horses -

Described as a Giant and of Hairy Appearance Reign of Terror. One night recently, as Peter Thomas was driving along a lonely road, he startled by seeing a wild-eyed man or ape, whose ferocious appearance frightened him into a state of helplessness. The creature jumped into the road, seized the rear horse, with a single sweep of its long hairy arm tore the harness from the trembling beast, and after breaking the horse's neck with a single deft twist, dragged him into the woods and out of sight. Mr. Thomas was too frightened to give a definite description of the creature, but it firm in his declaration that it was a man. Saturday the excitement was still further increased by the discovery of what had evidently been the camp of the creature. A big fire was still smoldering and nearby was a portion of the carcass of Mr. Thomas' horse, and scattered about were the bones and remains of several cows, sheep and other animals.  Middletown Daily Argus, Middletown, N.Y., Saturday, July 27, 1895 

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SSQ - From what I have seen that is not a fluke, I wanted to use that very question for another subject topic Uggh! Lol Good question though.

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Start the other topic, that would be amazing, and I'm looking forward to reading it. Thanks..

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