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Minnesota Update Of Sorts(Shrug)

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On 9/25/2016 at 2:16 PM, LeafTalker said:

I know I am doing this wrong because I am writing in the "quote" section but I messed something up. So forgive me!

Yikes. Doesn't it make you wonder how many times you have become really sick for no real reason? Maybe from something like this. Anything is possible?





Yeah, it took me a while to realize I could type 'outside the box' when quoting people. I know exactly how you got there. :)


I think you're right, anything is possible. I actually think, though, that people don't get ill that way very frequently. I think MK Davis just had some super bad luck that day. (If you read his notes on that video, he says he believes the BF was sick himself. MK doesn't think that he, MK, got sick from some "normal", "everyday" glob of BF mucus.) And like I say, I've never gotten sick from handling their stuff, and I handle a lot of it. I leave them stuff in wrappers every time I visit, so I'll have something to "check" (and remove) next visit! And I've never gotten sick from that, in the four years I've been doing this on a pretty regular basis -- including about a month ago, when I left out some food at my house in a metal container I use to serve food in sometimes. I will say that afterward, the newly emptied container had a very strong and distinctive odor, and I had to wash it pretty thoroughly. But totally nothing bad happened afterward.


BesideMyself, who posted for a short time in the Habituation thread, has had little BF kids in his house, eating his peanut butter and cereal, etc., and again, there were no ill effects from that. 


And there were all those NA tribes who used to trade with them on a regular basis, so there was a lot of physical contact back then, but no stories of illness associated with that trading and fraternization (that I know of, anyway). (I do think some have proposed that, like the NA peoples, large numbers of BF may have succumbed to foreign illnesses introduced when the Europeans landed on this continent -- surprise! -- but there's no evidence that the BF population has had that kind of effect on US.) And there are many modern accounts of people having physical contact with them, with no ill effects. Think of all those tools that turn up missing, and then are returned, and then are used again by their original owners. The owners sure notice the disappearance and reappearance of the tools -- enough to write and/or comment about them -- but they don't notice the immediate onset of violent illnesses, like the type MK reported having. I'm sure it happens, but again, I don't think very frequently.


From my personal experience, and from what I've read, there's nothing to suggest it's necessary to take special precautions here.  

  • 3 weeks later...

You know, I always thought that maybe BF populations were decimated by some of our diseases and now there are starting to get to be more of them, hence more sightings and also social media makes people more aware of things.

One small thing happened while I was overnight at my parents on Tues, It was some while after midnight but I was up reading, I heard someone walking around below the window, similiar to what I have heard before, very definitely bipedal. It was only for a very short while and then it moved away around the corner of the house. I first looked out my window then went to the other bedroom to look but there wasn't anything. However, I clearly heard it when it was on the cemented area below the window. In the winter it was easier to hear as the snow made it "crunch" more.

So, nothing extraordinary but worth putting here as I have been keeping up with all of it.

Do I know for certain it wasn't someONE? Nope, I do not. When there were more teenagers in the neighborhood my mind might have gone there a little bit. But sitting there filtering it through my thoughts, I cannot think of any of the neighbors that would be doing something so odd.



That's awesome, Maggie. And I don't think it's a small thing to hear a big guy walk by a window. It's way cool!


Well, I am glad you think it's cool. :) I actually do too, I just don't like to make too big an issue out of it, if that makes any sense? At least I know they are still around, I don't think there has really been an experience since July when we had  the huge family gathering. I should have thought of this, but I think this time he/she/it was curious too as both of my grandchildren, ages 3 years and a one month old baby were around. Children and excessive activity in a normally quiet household seem to draw them in. They have smelled my grandson before but the baby grandaughter is something "new".


Wow! Maggie, there's so many different possibilities, and directions your encounters could go. Like you said, once you eliminate the teenage pranksters, the result is more in nature to this forum.

After a period of time, (yrs.) you are seeing patterns to the behaviors. Curiosity, and approaches after family gatherings. Where the once quiet homestead is for a period of time, filled with new sounds and smells.

Always followed by the midnight caller under the window of the room you are reading in. HMMMM almost like someone wants to meet you.

I don't know if it is in your style, but IMHO you should write a book about these happenings. You can make it fiction, and just do it for fun or whatever. A book I would read for sure.


LOL, I thank you for your confidence in me mesabe, but just abouy all of my encounters and known encounters with the family are here on this "update of sorts", so essentially you have read it already. I guess I could embellish but that doesn't seem honest to me, if that makes any sense?

As far as under the window, I think it is more likely that those lower windows (I am on the second story) face the porch and living areas most used. And it hasn't happened as often as all that, enough though that I can tell it isn't a quadruped.

There ARE definite behaviors...now are they still around when it is just my parents and they just don't really pay attention? (Especially my Mom cause Dad has heard things here and there when it is blatantly obvious) It could be when there are more people around that is more people to experience things, though I DO believe that these are curious beings. The holidays are coming up so it will be interesting if the pattern stays the same or differs.

I remember when I was a teenager with my room on the first floor for a while and I couldn't stand it. To the point even to this day, I prefer sleeping in a second story room. I think when I am REALLY old, I will still prefer to creak up and down the stairs rather than sleep on the first floor,lol,

Oh and onto books, I am actually writing a book but it is science fiction. The editing/publishing is taking near as long as it took to write the book itself!! I started it for my family and that continues to be my main focus, not looking to get famous or make money. I am working on the second book as it is going to be a trilogy even if it takes a millenia to get done!! :)

IF and that is a might huge IF, I ever decided to write about mine and family and friends experiences, I would want to work with someone honest and hopefully not take forever and a day to publish it.


Wow, about the books! That's good news, because you're a good writer. I bet they rock!

On 7/30/2016 at 10:20 AM, Maggie said:

Okay, this isn't  Bigfoot but still a very odd occurence experienced by my oldest daughter. My daughter smokes on the enclosed porch as I don't allow smoking in the house. This was evening and she saw something that she didn't have a clue what it was, on one of the side roads by our house. She said it was big, a weird color and looked like a starving mutated coyote or maybe a hyena. 

Now she grew up here, she knows what coyotes and such look like.

So, definitely weird.


Hi Maggie, love your thread! I recalled it when listening to a podcast recently. Christine, the lady who wrote 100 Bigfoot Nights, saw something similar near her woods early in their experience, among other things. When they enlisted an investigator, he told them that this is a common description of the BFs when on all fours. Since he turned out to be Mr Branco, I'd say he knows of what he speaks. Maybe you could contact him, if you're still wondering about it.


Cheers to y'all, gonna go read all of this. :)


Leaftalker, I would like to THINK I am a good writer, but that remains to be seen,lol. I know they want me to do a small book tour when we finally have the end result of the first book. I get pretty frustrated as it is taking so long and I have only got a bit done on the second book and there are deadlines. I think sometimes I would be better off writing a shorter book about mine and family experiences but I am in neck deep so can't quit now. They have me tied in for the trilogy. I love the writing part. The editing/publishing not so much...

JKH, thank you for your compliment about the thread. I have been adding to it for years so like I told mesabe, I guess it is essentially a book,lol.  That is very interesting about that being a common description of a BF on all fours! I have never checked but I wonder if there is such a thing as a bluish grey bigfoot? I imagine there could be as it seems as if there are lots of different colors. From what I have heard and experiences I think a lot of the juveniles are the color of orangutans but I know that isn't set in stone either, only from observance of reports and such. I will never claim, as mesabe says, to even be a "pert"!!!!! :)


Maggie, I think if you get some free time, and want to write a book based on your ongoing saga at home, and the family place, you should write it. Being none of this stuff can ever be proven, I would label it as fiction, and have fun with it for entertainment's sake. (And mine. LOL) Your experiences will make it more believable, and your embellishments I know would be tasteful and well represented. I don't think it is any more dishonest than any other well written book As long as you are not trying to dupe someone. And if you dad isn't going to cooperate with you, remembering his past encounters, well just make them up, and tell him you are going to do it. lol I bet the truth will be told then. lol although it would be a few good chapters.. .


mesabe, the big issue for me now is TIME as I am running a household(including cleaning and dogs but a whole mess of other things), going to school for my Batchelor's in Healthcare and working on writing/editing the current series of books. It can be overwhelming to think of doing something MORE so I would probably need help with it. My oldest son has talked about that but not in a while. I might bring it up to him again. He has had many of his own experiences and like me, not all strictly BF related.

I think my dad would end up cooperating if it was going to be in print, it would be my mother who wouldn't approve,lol.

I like your idea of labeling it as fiction because in no way would I be  trying to "trick" someone, mostly because it's completely against my nature,lol,  People can believe or not as they like. (shrug)


Well, that sounds like a big YES! thanks Maggie, can't wait to read it. lol just kidding.

I understand how you have a lot on your plate right now and for a while to come.I actually got a little tired reading your last post. so much to accomplish.  Just having fun with you, but know that if and when you ever do decide to write about it all, you will have a couple ready made fans.


LMAO!!!! I wish it COULD be a YES. Maybe one day. And I don't mind the teasing, with so many things if I couldn't laugh, I would be in deep trouble. :)

Nothing new going on at the moment except puppy proofing the house for the invasion of Neo pup, Nyla. I have also been getting various large dog toys to test with her and see if there is anything that she can't destroy!!

If I can attach it, here is the most recent pic of the little (soon to be big!) terror. :)




What a cutie-pie!!!! Thanks for sharing that pic. She's beautiful!

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