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Bigfoot Beheads People?


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SSQ -  You will, no doubt, find this report a bit disturbing but it falls in line with the brutality level of the pulling off heads. A wild man in West Virginia that was almost as brutal.



From:  The Record-Union  -  Sacramento, California  November 22, 1883


                                                                                            Acts of a Madman.


Chicago, November 23d. --                      The Tribune's Pittsburg special of the 21st says:


 " For some time, the citizens of the south part of Ohio county, W. Va., about twenty miles from Wheeling, have been tryng to capture a strange man

 who occasionally made his appearance at isolated homesteads, generally in the absence of the man of the house, and by brandishing a large club

 terrorizing the women folks into giving him food. He always appeared dressed in skins, and was never known to speak. He was of gigantic stature and

 ferocious aspect, and had been a terror to the community.  Several attempts have been made to capture him, but without success. It is supposed he

 lives in one of the many caves in the vicinity. This morning he went to the house of George Powell, soon after that gentleman had gone to his work.

 Howling like a wild beast and frothing at the mouth, he attacked Mrs. Powell with his club, fracturing her skull and otherwise injuring her.  He then

 picked up her only child, a boy about five years of age, and darted into the woods, carrying it screaming in his arms.  A neighbor passing the house

shortly afterward found Mrs. Powell in a critical condition, but able to tell what had happened.    A man started at once for the nearest town and

 organized a party to pursue the strange creature and rescue the child.  They soon struck a trail, and after following it for about five miles, came

 upon the body of the boy, whose brains had been dashed out on a tree. Two of the party returned to Powell's with the child and the rest continued

 the search for the man, but at last accounts they had not succeeded in overtaking him.  There are several theories as to who he is.  Some think he is

 one of the murderers who escaped from the Moundsville Penitentiary some months ago ; others think he is a madman. All know he is a dangerous

character and must be killed or captured. "



Good to meet you, Gumshoeye! Been enjoying your posts....your observations.


I've read this story before.  Often times bigfoot are called wild men in old accounts like this one.  There was an errant belief in those days that if you lived feral you would end up growing a coat of hair all over your body.  We know today that is impossible, but I wonder if the idea came from seeing sasquatches, and to make sense of them that folklore took root.  Although in this account it fails to mention anything about hair on its body, but to make sense of what they were seeing it says he is dressed in animal skins which could be a rationalization of seeing a hairy wild man at a distance.  It does say he doesn't speak but makes howls and is of gigantic stature, which can depict a sasquatch.  They have at times been observed carrying what you might call a club too.


The little boy is said to have been killed by dashing him against a tree.  I've read several accounts of them killing or stunning animals, including deer and hogs, by slamming them against a tree, and I've also read a few accounts of them killing people by slamming them against trees, evidenced by blood high up on trees when the bodies were found.  Another similarity is found in one of the tribal legends I've read, that the sasquatches tended to still women or children when the men were away hunting, and this story talks about it coming around isolated homesteads after the men had left, evidently watching and knowing the men had left and who was home.  Creepy.   


Many researches have recognized that sasquatches are attracted to women and children.  This doesn't mean they are seeking to steal them, but women and children seem to peak their interests.  One researcher I know said some of the female researches he knew had joked about getting some t-shirts printed saying, "Squatch Bait."  The one Dr. Meldrum allegedly saw when he was with Todd Standing was about 15 feet from a female researcher, and they suggested that had she not been there to draw it in he likely would not have seen it.  

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Good summary Jayjeti, I think it would be easy for some to draw quick conclusions of feral people simply based on we associate with the words. But I wonder if we overlook the fact these were people of a different time and their view of strangeness was more practical and simple.

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Hey, jayjeti....yeah, more than a few reports that described the creature "wearing animal skins"  (I agree with your assessment) and were huge, etc.

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  The one Dr. Meldrum allegedly saw when he was with Todd Standing was about 15 feet from a female researcher, and they suggested that had she not been there to draw it in he likely would not have seen it.  

Jay, do you have a link to Dr. Meldrum's sighting? I haven't seen it written about anywhere. Thanks!

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Vic Cundiff  at the Dogman Encounters Facebook site sent this to me this morning. I seem to have become the "go to girl" of the dogman world:( I really feel sorry for the people whom I have talked to trying to help them cope with their new found knowledge that monsters truly do exist.


Shirley, who is referred to in this message, is my closest and dearest friend, was struck by a car and badly injured while out walking one morning 3 weeks ago. Thankfully we now know that she will survive, and hopefully will walk again one day.


Of course I will talk with this frightened girl, and hopefully help her handle her terror. This is the second woman I been asked to assist with her fear and horror. The first lady I talked to has become a close friend over the past few weeks.


This is Vic Cundiff's  message he sent to me this morning:


Hi . I was just contacted by a man (named Rustin D.) who has a little sister (that's only 14 years old) who just had a terrifying Dogman encounter yesterday. The poor thing's so shaken, she can't sleep at night. She sleeps during the day.

I offered to talk to the little girl, to explain some things about Dogmen to her and hopefully help her start feeling better, but we think she'd be more likely to open up to a woman, like you.

If that little girl would be willing to talk to you about what she's been through, would you be willing to talk to her?

I'm sorry to call on you again for help. Especially, considering what you're going through now with Shirley.

Thanks for your time and for any help with this!

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How and where do you locate all of this information? if I ever need help locating any info I will definitely think of contacting you first! 

Thank you Jay:)


Hairy Wildman,

You too are a fount of knowledge on this subject, Thank you for all of your input on this topic.

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My pleasure SSQ!   I appreciate your acknowledgement but hafta say that I know there are members here that are far more knowledgeable  about these creatures than me.....I'm still learning too!  I have researched  thousands of archived newspapers (like other folks have done before me) and have accumulated many hundreds, if not thousands, of articles/accounts of strange, unknown, unidentified creatures....including other than HWMen/Women/children.  Found an early 1900's article about the killing of a Loup Garou in Louisiana recently....but the description is not of a humanoid-type creature....but a mixture of 4-legged animals.

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**TO: Hairy Wildman, and Jayjeti,



Plus 1's to both of you! You guys have discovered and posted very interesting articles here, and I had never heard about any of that stuff happening. Well done my friends.

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Jay, do you have a link to Dr. Meldrum's sighting? I haven't seen it written about anywhere. Thanks!



I believe I gleaned that from a discussion on a video with him and Standing, I can't remember which one.  I believe Dr. Meldrum has been fairly mum on what exactly he saw.  I would like to read an account of that myself.  Here are some videos of the lady in question.  This first link is a very brief introduction to her.




She is on this 2 1/2 minute video talking about a bigfoot trying to lead her away from Todd





The following video is an hour long Bigfoot North radio program in which all three Dr. Meldrum, Todd Standing, and the lady "Sonya Zohar" speaks.  She is the main guest being interviewed.  At around the 16 minute mark it talks about how they were not getting any reaction from the sasquatches, then when she showed up they started getting a lot of action.  I think later in the video it talks about the episode when Meldrum saw it near her.  This might not be the video where Meldrum and Standing say Dr. Meldrum would not have had his sighting without the female researcher drawing a sasquatch in that came to within about 15 feet of her, but I heard them make that statement on one of these broadcasts.




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SSQ - Articles about strange or unknown creatures....found while searching for HWM & Women. Many of the skeptics & scoffers will-would be amused to read that I find some of them so strange.....that I'm concerned my brains will fall out,.....from being too open-minded ( A potential problem that Doc Holiday passed on to me some time ago) :o 


I'll pull a couple out to show you what I mean.....give me a little time to reply further on this.....with chosen articles

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The little boy is said to have been killed by dashing him against a tree.  I've read several accounts of them killing or stunning animals, including deer and hogs, by slamming them against a tree, and I've also read a few accounts of them killing people by slamming them against trees, evidenced by blood high up on trees when the bodies were found.  Another similarity is found in one of the tribal legends I've read, that the sasquatches tended to still women or children when the men were away hunting, and this story talks about it coming around isolated homesteads after the men had left, evidently watching and knowing the men had left and who was home.  Creepy.   




On the subject of sasquatches slamming animals or people against trees I just happened to run across this article of a guard at a Marine military base being slammed on the ground.  I don't think there were any trees around so that was the next best surface.


"On a cold February night in 1971, a lone guard manned a post outside an armory on the outskirts of the Marine Base near

Twenty-Nine Palms. Without warning, the otherwise unearthly quiet was suddenly shattered when a large mass appeared out of

the dark desert landscape. The guard raised his riffle and commanded the being to "halt.†Much to the young man’s surprise, the

large figure did not stop but instead charged right at him at an inhuman rate. As the figure grew closer, the Marine realized what

was approaching, rapidly, was not a man at all, but a huge, upright running, hair-covered creature. Paralyzed by shock, the

young guard stood his ground, too frightened to move the mysterious creature threw the young man to the ground rendering him

unconscious. When the guard’s relief arrived several hours later, they found him almost incoherent with his riffle nearly bent in

two. After the incident both the CIA and FBI were contacted to conduct an investigation. Much to their surprise, the locals were

more than eager to tell their stories about giant man-beasts in the area. In fact, the very same night as the attack on the guard,

two creatures had been seen roaming through a neighborhood, relatively close to the base. When a local couple looked out of

their front window to see what was upsetting their dog, they saw the two Yucca Men crossing the front lawn. Then some time

later, the same creatures were seen near a horse corral some distance away The investigation also revealed that several

employees at the Joshua Tree National Monument had seen Bigfoot-like creatures on numerous occasions."


Grabbing and slamming creatures against a surface seems to be a common offensive tactic used by sasquatches.  Years ago I read a story about a man following a sasquatch, walking behind it as it walked along.  And the creature allowed this for a while, but apparently became annoyed and attacked the man, throwing him against the ground several times.  Like in the above story the sasquatch did not kill the individual, just injured him.  In the above story it seems the sasquatch knew what a rifle was since it bent it almost into.


Regarding the rifle being bent I happened to remember the following story and I was able to find it about hunters going missing and a broken rifle found.


"Seeley Lake Glacier Creek Area, Montana

October 1959


"Roy W. Rye, a university educated experienced bear hunter from Billings, Montana was out hunting grizzly in the early afternoon upon seeing large tracks in the snow he noticed a creature resting its head and arms on a fallen tree five or six feet above snow.  It had a large flat head, sloping shoulders, stubby ears, short neck, was brownish gray haired.  It screamed and rocked from side to side and slobbered.  Four men disappeared in this area in two years.  Broken rifle found.  This report was published in "Montana Sports Outdoors" in December of 1960 and in "Saga Magazine" in January of 1961.. JG BC Archives."




Someone recently remarked in another thread here at BFF that sasquatches have been observed many times slowly rocking from side to side.  In my thinking no known animal would resort to damaging a rifle except perhaps a sasquatch who understands their use.  It could be the hunter made the mistake of shooting one, and it or its relatives attacked him.  Some researchers, me included, believe there is more potential danger if you are alone than if you are with others in wilderness areas.  The four hunters that went missing in a two year period in the same area were evidently each out hunting alone.  The Sasquatch Research Association does not want people on their expeditions to go out alone, for several reasons, including if you get injured in a fall or get lost or what have you.  From some of what I've read I feel if you are alone it increases the chances of being accosted by any animal, including sasquatches.  Even in human societies being alone makes you more vulnerable to attacks.  I'm not saying sasquatches are regularly attacking people, but its possible that some of the experienced woodsmen who have gone missing while out alone could have succumbed to a sasquatch.  I know some object to suggestions they "some" sasquatches could be dangerous, but we need to live in the real world where things can go awry.

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Good post Jatjeti, who sourced the UMC information? I've heard a similar story but never did get source for the origin. There was supposedly a similar incident involving Army National Guard troops in camp Grayling, Michigan circa 1970s where some vehicles were set upon by or more of these creatures. It occurred during some maneuver training and it (they) caused or wreaked enough havoc and damage that both County Sheriff's and Army military police became involved in the investigation ....

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Good post Jatjeti, who sourced the UMC information?



You can find it at this blog.




Sorry, I didn't link to it because you have to search the page to find it.  But if you'll search down a good ways to near the bottom of that page at the above blog link you'll find that story, past some unrelated content.  I would have linked to what I posted on the forums as Sasquatch Research Association which singled out the relevant material on that page and provided a link but BFF rules don't allow linking to something I've written elsewhere without a reciprocal BFF link on that page.

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 I've heard a similar story but never did get source for the origin. There was supposedly a similar incident involving Army National Guard troops in camp Grayling, Michigan circa 1970s where some vehicles were set upon by or more of these creatures. It occurred during some maneuver training and it (they) caused or wreaked enough havoc and damage that both County Sheriff's and Army military police became involved in the investigation ....


I don't believe that tranquil, peace loving sasquatches would ever do such a thing.  It must have been teenagers. :no:

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