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A big Welcome to the BFF for all of our new members!!


We hope that you enjoy the forum, feel free to contribute as you see fit, and please ask if you have any questions!

Guest tree peeper

Hi Bff, I am from Maine and have had an interest in the subject since childhood, but truly became interested in the past five or so years. In that time I have listened to every podcast I can find on the subject, and some of the  

episodes multiple times. I particularly enjoyed the few that do not record anymore with an eye on speculation and research concepts, rather than eye witness type interviews. I also make it a point watch any decent documentary I can find on the subject and try to support the producers.

Some of the eyewitness stuff is no doubt believable, some not so much. It is all fascinating either way. After all my time looking deeply into this I continue to try and keep my mind open, there is a lot of directions it can go. This is my first forum and look forward to contributing in some way if I can.


Welcome to the BFF tree peeper.

Guest Emmons66

Hello all,


I’ve been a lurker here for a few years but a firm believer. I’m from Michigan and my interests are pedal steel guitars and fly fishing, mainly with two handed Spey rods.  






Welcome to the BFF Skeeter.


Enjoy the Forum!


Welcome to the BFF DugasCajun, tree peeper, and Emmons66.


Guest Loomy 67

 good morning to everyone this is my first post and I am brand new to this forum .

 My name is Scott I am 51 years old I am Carpenter and I live in Maine 

 I first got interested in Bigfoot back in 1976 because of the 6 million Dollar Man and his battles with   A dude in a hairy costume ( I look back on those episodes and I see how primitive and horrible the job they did costumes!!) 

 But I’ve always been interested in monsters of all kinds and when I heard about the Sasquatch and that it might actually exist , well that’s all I needed to become curious 

 So fast forward about 30 years 

 I had completely forgotten all about my childhood passion and then YouTube came along and that was that 

 I started watching Bigfoot videos and following certain researchers that I respect and there were two guys in particular ( Colorado Bigfoot  Marc &  Sasquatch Ontario Mike Patterson)  that taught me the most helpful lessons.

 Now I do my own research and I have two areas that I study in.   I am extremely humble and I never discount anybody theories or experiences because the way I see it there is not one single solitary expert on the planet when it comes to the Sasquatch phenomenon . 

 And who am I to discount what other people have had happened to them ?!  

 The one flaw that I have is my sensitivity to the skeptic. I know that it is healthy to remain objective. Not everything is real and not everything is directly related with Sasquatch. The problem I have with the typical skeptic is they have an attitude of knowing more and knowing better than  those of us that know the truth. I don’t have a problem with people denying their existence but I do have a problem with people that did Nite yet they do not do any research them selves they rest on the laurels of other people and being a contrarian is not productive. It’s so easy to just sit back and claim add accuse it’s another thing to put your money where your mouth is and see for yourself . 

 One thing that surprises me about the Sasquatch community is all of the fighting that goes on between researchers . It makes no sense whatsoever because it’s hard enough to deal with the  skeptic that can never open their mind. Now we have to deal with ego,jealousy and  tried in the community   I say we listen to everyone we keep our minds open and we share our Siri’s and thoughts with each other !!

 Science is never going to recognize the Sasquatch is a real creature because science is   Not about discovery anymore it is about reputation is about towing the party line and it is about covering up the truth . So we have to share our information with each other if we ever want to get anywhere and find out what they are really all about !

 Since I started to do my own research I have seen two Sasquatch,I have been growled at and run  out of the forest . I have had rocks thrown at me and I have been whooped at from 20’ away.  I have tons of pictures and video    Pictures of foot prints,tree structures and  last year I had one come to my bedroom window at night and they left the footprint behind ml

 I am not a believer anymore, I am a knower

 I also have a tendency of  writing long emails 

 So I will end by saying thank you and I hope that I become a good member of this community thank you very much

3 hours ago, Loomy 67 said:

 I have tons of pictures and video    Pictures of foot prints,tree structures and  last year I had one come to my bedroom window at night and they left the footprint behind ml


Welcome to the BFF Loomy.


I'm sure everyone here looks forward to your pics and video. Enjoy the forum!


Welcome Loomy 67,  from Maine.  You and another forum member could be buddies and exchange long emails:   hifier, also in Maine.

Guest TPABadsqatch

Bands debut music video features Bigfoot




Hi! I'm Bevan from Queensland, Australia. I have had an interest in bigfoot and our similar creature in Australia "the Yowie" or hairyman. Although I'm yet to see a bigfoot type creature, I have seen tree breaks, rock stacks, felt that feeling of dread, rocks thrown at me many times in the Australian bush. I know they are watching me. At the moment I can't get enough information on the topic, I just want to read more. I have my own theories regarding their behaviour and actions. I guess this comes from an academic background (doctorate) in "human behaviour", some of which, I believe, is transferable to the hairyman topic. Although I am still only a novice in this area in Australia, I think we are on the right track with with many "habituations" occurring across the country. 

For me personally, I hope to gain more insight into bigfoot's behaviour and therefore utilise. In addition, my ultimate aim is to develop and have published in a journal, scientific information regarding the Yowie (???) based on their behaviour - maybe even a comparison between the Bigfoot in the USA/Canada and Yowie in Australia. Who knows - it is an open area.


Welcome to the BFF Bevan.


I hope you enjoy the Forum.

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